Drive-Thru Blending in PreK/K
Building Phonemic Awareness and Letter-Sounds (Virtual Tour)
One the children have learned a good number of sounds, including some vowel sounds, they need to learn how to blend together those sounds to make words. So in drive-thru blending the children get to choose from a variety of vehicles. They park underneath each sound saying that slowly, /b/u/g/. Then they quickly blend those sounds together to create the word bug, and again a little faster, bug. Things get a little trickier when we start working with two letters that blend or two letters that make one sound as in /ck/. So we have to teach them how to blend those letters. /tr/ and we zoom up to the /a/ back to /ck/. Zoom a little faster /tr/a/ck/. Then when we get really good we go quickly and say the word, track. You can follow up with a homework activity where the children can try the drive-thru blending with their parents at home. I've made up a letter to the parents to explain how the drive-thru blends work.
Activity Objective
The goal of Drive-Thru Blending in PreK/K: Building Phonemic Awareness and Letter-Sounds (Virtual Tour) is to provide students with an opportunity to blend sounds to make and read words.
Quick Tips
Additional Comments:
- As an extension activity, send the instructions home with the students and encourage parents to participate.
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